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Mang'ula Sustainable Development Society

July 2024

A group from Mainz (Hans, Astrid, Petra, Susi and Paul) visited the MACHICA Fund for a week as part of a private trip to Tanzania. There was a lot of playing, hiking, singing and dancing...

April, 10th 2024

Through appropriate measures, the forecourt of the MACHICA site was drained (left picture) and the rice harvest was secured.

Rice cultivation is 
very important especially in this very wet year, as there is a risk of crop failures across the country.

March, 5th 2024

In January and February there were heavy rains all across East Africa, which were triggered by the El Niño weather phenomenon. The effects were also at MACHICA. The area is under water and parts of the rice fields have been washed away.

January, 15th 2024

Five of out orphans passed the exam for the Secondary School.


January 2024
At the end of December Petra Mathey arrived again at Mang'ula for a visit. This time with company: Raphaelle stays there the first two weeks (picture left) and Irene stays there in week three and four.
All three spent a good time there with a lot of activities. Detailed information and pictures can be found on Petra's blog.

October, 24th 2023

This year a trip to Mikumi National Park has been organized again with the kindergarten children. After an exciting safari with lions, elephants and hippos, everyone has a picnic with Chipsi-Meiei and sodas.

September, 26th - 29th 2023

On their six-week holiday trip through East Africa, Hanna and Felix visit MACHICA for five days. In addition to a trip
with the orphans to the waterfall in the Udzungwa Mountains, the obligatory balloons are distributed to the kindergarten children and they buy soft drinks for the MACHICA-kids for dinner.

From April to June 2023

In April the rice in the fields is already in good shape (left picture), but it still takes until June until the ears of grain are ripe and can be harvested.

This year the rice harvest was also very good and very important considering the rising food prices!

January, 24th 2023

Petra Mathey visits MACHICA for two weeks. This time the focus of her visit is on conducting the eye camps for the "One Dollar Glasses" project, but there was still enough time for the children - both in the kindergarten and in the orphanage. To the blog ...

January, 1st 2023

The urgently needed renovation of the three classrooms and the toilets of the kindergarten could be carried out thanks to the support of ELAN (Rheinland-Palatinate State Development Network). The floors were tiled and a ceiling was installed in the classrooms.

December, 24th 2022

Christmas at the MACHICA Fund with good food and a nice Christmas tree for the orphans!

December, 7th 2022

The elder kindergarten children are sent off to school with music, speeches, food and a lot of good mood. The parents also take part in this ceremony every year.

November, 9th 2022

The bricks for a new, urgently needed septic tank are delivered and professionally set in the deep pit.

October 2022

A new orphan is taken into the community of MACHICA-Fund. Her name is Dolca Lusinde, she is four years old and lost her parents. Recently she lived in a district of Mang'ula (Msalise Village).

October, 9th - 15th 2022

Our educational godchild Martina (left) visits the MACHICA Fund for a week during the semester break. Her experiences from her educational way to the university in Dar should be of interest to the older children in particular (right: Rachma and Veneranda).

August, 16th - September, 9th 2022

Petra Mathey starts building a staff building for FASTA together with Bonface and continues the "One Dollar Glasses" project during two weekends.

July, 12th - 18th 2022

Paul and Susi visit Mang'ula - the first time after Corona. They recieve a very warm welcome and spend a wonderful week with the entire team and the children. More on this ...

May, 21st 2022

The urgently needed renovation of the kitchen (floor tiling and painting walls) goes hand in hand with the construction of a stove with a vent to the outside. This way of cooking saves a lot of firewood and charcoil!

March, 8th 2022

The boy's bedroom urgently needs a thorough renovation after the installation of the sanitary facilities: Tiles are put on the concrete floor, the walls are repainted and the beds and especially the matresses are replaced.

January, 24th 2022

Petra Mathey is back in Mang'ula from January, the 24th to February, the 12th. In addition to her own project FASTA , she also finds a lot of time for the children of MACHICA. Among other things she tests everyone's eyesight to provide access to better seeing with the project "One Dollar Glasses".

December, 22nd 2021

In Mang'ula life goes on quite normal despite of Corona. The orphans go to school and in the afternoon they have fun with playing and dancing (left). The Kindergarten works regularly, the preschool children are sent off to school with a big party

November, 2nd 2021

Martina passed her high school diploma and is now allowed to go to college. The state of Tanzania has offered her a place in Dar es Salaam at the College of Business Education.

May, 9th 2021

The children of MACHICA Fund get new clothes at the market of Mang'ula. Shopping is really fun there too!

January, 27th 2021

Guest room and storage space for groceries are swapped: The storage bags of rice, beans and onions are placed in the kitchen building, the First Aid Station with storage room and the boy's former bedroom is significantly upgraded by the renovation.

January, 22nd 2021

Petra Mathey visited Mang'ula again this year. As always, the children are enthusiastic about the Maputos (balloons) and also enjoy the memory game.

December, 20th 2020

Despite Corona, the graduation of the preschool children takes place as usual with the parents.

December, 6th 2020

Team play in the jerseys of the football club of Mainz-Gonsenheim. At playing football as well as washing the vegetables in the kitchten.

December, 3rd 2020

In the girls former bedroom the boys have also become a toilet and a shower. An own sewage system has been built for the two washrooms.

November, 23rd 2020

The team of the project management of Bonface Chigwanda and Agnes Lwambano has changed with the departure of Tausi Mfaume and Rehema. We wish them both a good start with their own family!
from left:
Clara Lenga (teacher), Rahel Johana Paulo (cook), Mariama Lumbango (nursery), Mohamed Rajabu (watchman), Veronica Boniface (teacher), Agnes Lwambano (project-manager), Bora (housekeeper)

October, 9th 2020

A package from Germany arrives. The distribution of things is always great fun for everyone who is involved. Clothing for the children, in particular, is very helpful for the project.

September, 3rd 2020

Shopping tour with our orphans: in addition to groceries, school utensils were bought for everyone. Also the children were measured at the tailor for new clothes.

July, 6th 2020

As in the previous year, the rice harvest was very satisfactory this year with 3,5 tons of rice, despite the heavy rainfalls at the beginning of the year.

March, 20th 2020

The girls have now moved to into their new bedroom with their own bathroom. Their old bedroom is now available for the boys, who are very happy for the much better space.

March, 13th 2020

The long-awaited solar power system is installed. Thanks to the financial support of a MACHICA member and ELAN RLP we were able to implement the project. We use it to produce our own electricity and are independent of the state electricity grid.

February, 20th 2020

The new bedroom for the girls is progressing quickly - despite the heavy rains in January and February. The girls should get their own bathroom inside the bedroom.

February, 10th 2020

Since January these two cats Moja and Mbili (One and Two) are new flat mates from MACHICA.
The task of them is clear: catch mice!

January, 18th 2020

Wolfgang and Petra Mathey once again initiated the trip to the Mikumi National Park with the children during their visit to MACHICA this year.

January, 15th 2020

Shelves find their way into the classrooms. Each classroom and the social room receive a shelf for storing books, notebooks, pens, ...

January, 11th 2020

After several  visits by rats in the rooms, ceilings are moved into the offfice and in the boy's bedroom.

November, 30th 2019

As every year, the preschool children are solemnly released to school. This important day for the children is celebrated with the parents and the teacher with music, singing and a good mood.

November, 25th 2019

Before the next rain season, the sides of the ditch are properly boarded up. This bulwark will not be destroyed by water so quickly.

November, 5th 2019

Paul and Susi from Mainz visit the project in Mang'ula again. They come back with lots of ideas and impressions. Some of them can be found in the gallery.

September, 21st 2019

With the new construction of the main road between Mikumi and Ifakara (left), the ditches in Mang'ula are also staightened and culverts are regulated again.
This ditch (right) now runs close to the MACHICA site and has to be bordered. Unfortunately the residents have to pay a part of the amount.

August, 05th 2019

Two MACHICA friends from Mainz visit the project in Mang'ula on a Tanzania trip.
They enjoy the intensive contact with the children and the team very much.

February, 20th 2019

This chic little house is the new Lodge for the chicken - so they can sleep in safety and very satisfied at night.
The chicken farming is a great addition to the meal plan with its eggs and the meat of the chicken.

February, 20th 2019

Right next to the boys' sleeping place and under two large, shady palm trees is now a playground with climbing frames, swings and a carousel.

February, 20th 2019

The living and dining room for the orphans is finished and looks super chic!
This is a good space for eating and doing homework.

December, 1st 2018

Also this year there was a big farewell ceremony for the children who go to school from next year.

November, 16th 2018

A new room is being built between the kitchen and the school building. Equipped with fixed tables and benches, it serves as a dining room
for the orphans and also as a lounge for them in the afternoon.

August, 22nd 2018

In addition to the cooks Agnes Lwambano and Rahel Paulo, Tausi Mfaume has been hired to look after the orphans when there is no school. Also she provides a good education for the orphaned children.

August, 5th 2018

The orphans got new bikes! Now they have to practice it - but they do it with a lot of fun ...

June, 29th - July, 7th 2018

Harvesting the rice on the MACHICA fields is in full action. She was very good to everyone's delight. There were 40 bags of rice harvested, enough for eight months at MACHICA. With a small truck the bags are taken from the shambas.

June, 2nd 2018

The orphans got new clothes. Nevertheless, they still have to learn a lot.In this case Bonface gives a computerlesson.

January / February 2018

Together with Bonface Petra also organized a trip for the chilldren to the Mikumi National Park. They had a great day, experienced small and big adventures and they saw a lot of wild animals. 

January / February 2018

During this time, she organized the surrounding of the watertap so that the floor doesn't get muddy when rinsing, washing clothes, washing hands.
She also bought new beds for the girls' room so they do not have to sleep on their matresses on the floor.

January / February 2018

Petra Mathey from Mainz worked as a volunteer at MACHICA for six weeks.
She did a lot during that time. In addition to the daily gymnastic exercises with music, she spent balloons for everyone every friday at the sporting day.

December, 17th 2017

Even before the rainy season, the veranda of the main building was thoroughly renovated. The steps and the ramp were redesigned (left picture).
For the staff, a new toilet was created between the kitchen and the existing facilities which also drains into the sewage works (right picture).

December, 4th 2017

Also in this year the older children were discharged to school at the end of the school year. The parents also participated in this ceremony.

October, 3rd 2017

The orphans of MACHICA Fund get together as a really good family.

September, 10th 2017

During the dry season the entrance area of the bathroom is tiled new. This guarantees more cleanliness and hygiene as well as a longer life of the floor.

May, 23thrd 2017

The First-Aid-Station is finished now. It serves as a temporarily solution for a age-based acommodafion for the older orphans.

April, 2nd 2017

It was mainly rice what was planted on the Shambas of MACHICA Fund. The seedlings have increased very well and they look really pretty just in April. This promises a good harvesting in June.

November, 11th 2016

Charles Kisangiro ('Little John') finishes his apprenticeship as a tourguide successfully after three years. We all are very proud on him and we are very happy that we enabled that. Many thanks to all Godmothers and -fathers of education!

August, 10th 2016

A big step towards independence: MACHICA buys private land (about 2 hectares). This secures the basic needs for the children and the team.
The small banana shamba directly at the school is already a start.

March, 3rd - 15th 2016

Those orphaned children live at MACHICA and they are lovingly furnished by the team.
Of course, they also take part of the lessons.

March, 3rd - 15th 2016

At a two-week visit to MACHICA we were spoiled by the cook Agnes. In the picture she prepares lunch for more than 80 children.
A group of children is divided respectively a plate of rice with beans.

February, 9th 2016

Since the beginning of January a first class with eleven pupils get taught as a pilot at MACHICA. If the tests of  the pupils are positiv, then MACHICA gets a licence for teaching.
On the right hand there is the team with the new teachers.

January, 24th 2016

Before the next big rainy season begins the mighty wall will be plastered and the first aid station will be finished.

October, 14th 2015

Everyday in Mang'ula:
On the left side there is the evening class at a computer course,
on the right side the little children are driven home by car very comfortable.

August, 13th 2015

The trained stage designer uses the time to beautify the MACHICA building with flowers, plants and animals.

July, 11th 2015

A volunteer from Wiesbaden (Germany) has worked for six weeks at MACHICA.
She is teaching in English, Drawing and Sport. In addition she is helping with any other things which are to be done.

June, 12th to 15th 2015

At this year's short visit in Mang'ula during the holiday time the four-member tour group was supervised very good by our education godchild 'Little John'.
More pictures can be found in the gallery.

May, 5th 2015

After some trials to drill the borehole the well is comleted successfully. There was a really hard rock formation at 7 m deepness which was to strong for the boring tools. They tried it at several places untill they were successfull.

March, 15th 2015

There is now a masoned small cupboard in the kitchen for the new gas cooker. The meals for the children and the staff can be prepared much faster on the flame of the gas. This saves time and, what is more, it saves wood.

March, 12th 2015

From April on the MACHICA Förderverein will support two new godchildren of education.

Enock (left) and Martina will be able to join the Secondary School in Mang'ula.

December, 24th 2014

At Christmas Eve the shoes from SV Mainz-Gonsenheim were given to the kickers of MACHICA Mainz.

The boys were very proud and replaced the old slippers with the new soccer shoes. Now they are able to win much more matches.

December, 06th 2014

The yearly Graduation Ceremony for the children, who will go to school the next year, was very solemn.

As every year the parents of the children were invited and there is music and a good meal with rice, beans and spinach.

November, 20th 2014

MACHICA in November 2014. There are so many children at the Kindergarten class as never before.

Also the learning makes much more fun in the community with other children... 

November, 19th 2014

A group of young demonstration teachers from the Ifakara college stayed for one week at MACHICA.

They made a practical training with the teacher and the children from Mang'ula. It was a very nice week with a lot of things to learn for everybody.

November, 07th 2014

As every year also in 2014 there was a children tour to the nearby Mikumi Nationalpark. The children get the chance to learn very much about the animals of their own country. They can see Giraffes and Elephants and of course many other animals in their natural environment.

August, 11th 2014

The sanitary facilities with showers and flush toilets are finished. Even the sewage system works smoothly.

This is a significant improvement of hygiene conditions for MACHICA Fund.

July, 25th 2014

In July, the equipment of MACHICA was significantly improved. 15 new mattresses were purchased for the sleeping room.

A medical supply room including an initial medical equipment has grown.

For the increasing number of children more wooden benches and tables for the classrooms were bought. Gaming equipment like a see saw and a swing were purchased for outdoor use.

The kitchen was modern equipped - with a gas cooker, tables, chairs and wall cupboards.

April, 12th 2014

A new bus is collecting the children from the nearby villages and bring them to MACHICA. Because of this the number of children was raising to more than 90 children. To manage this big number of children there are two new teacher at MACHICA: Rose (left side) and Bahati.

January, 15th 2014

MACHICA at night is no longer pitch black. Due to the electricity life can go on even after 18:00 o'clock.

'Light at MACHICA Home' - is a very big progress!

January, 15th 2014

The two proud graduates of the secondary school took regularly part in the MACHICA evening class so that it was possible to visit the secondary school.

On the left hand there are the currently viewing participants of the MACHICA evening class.

January, 13th 2014

The first MACHICA godson of education John Godfrey started his 2-year study at VETA-College. We wish him very much succes and all the best!

October, 09th 2013

The football club SV Mainz-Gonsenheim (Germany) donated a set of jerseys for the football team MACHICA Mainz. The jerseys were accepted with great joy!


September, 19th 2013

The new uniforms for the orphaned children are now ready. They are very chic for boys and girls in black and white with red ties.


June, 8th to 12th 2013

This year visited a four-member tour group of Mainz the project in Mang'ula, where they spent four eventful days.

The construction work has proceeded: The toilet block and the fence are growing.


February, 13th 2013

The children get small meals in the new kitchen (left).

The construction works of the permanent toilet block are going on (right).

January, 20th 2013

The orphans say thank you for the funds to start the works on the fence and the toilet block (left).

The orphans become small gifts from Bonface (right).

December, 20th 2012

Also at the end of the school-year 2012 there is a big ceremonie with government leaders for the children who get graduated to join the primary school level.

November, 21st 2012

Now MACHICA achieved the objective!
The certificate for the orphanage - it's called the "Home running License" - was provided by the 'Tanzanian Ministry of Social, Gender and Children'!
So the orphans can stay permanently in the accommodation without going back to their homes!


MACHICA Orphans Home


'MACHICA Orphans Home' is the official name of the orphanage. Now we have two different licenses:

MASUDE Society
for the kindergarten and the afternoon class

MACHICA Orphans Home
for the orphanage.

July, 6th 2012

John and Agnes in front of the Orphanage (left). The ramp for disabled children is finished.

Sometimes the lessons take place outside the Schoolbuilding (middle).

June, 30th 2012

Now the whole Schoolbuilding inclusive the Kitchen is completely plastered and painted.

In this way learning ist really funny!

February, 28th 2012

The assignment to fabricate some beds for the orphanage and some more desks for the school was given to a carpenter.

January, 22nd 2012

The building for the kitchen was built, so that it is possible to cook inside the kitchen. There is also a place for eating for the children.

October, 20th 2011

The team of MASUDE makes a safari with the children to the Mikumi-National-Park. They saw lions and elephants and buffalos and many other animals!

September, 18th 2011

Last but not least the doors and the windows are installed - even in the "Head-office". It looks really good!

September, 10th 2011

Because of a special money transfer it was able to finish the rooms of the main building. Now there are two classrooms, one room for the orphanage and one office.

July, 18th - 23rd 2011

A delegation from Germany MACHICA-Friends are visiting Mang`ula - the roof of the schoolbuilding has finished now.

January, 25th 2011

The water-service was installed (left), so that it's much easier to cook the meals for the children.

November, 3rd 2010

There was a good-bye ceremony for the graduated students who are going to the primary school.

July, 12th 2010

Before - After: the first part of the schoolbuilding is already plastered and painted.


April, 10th 2010

Children with their new school-uniform on their way to the MASUDE-Society.

January, 1st 2010

A new teacher is working for the project.

Her name is Zulfa Makindi, she is 22 years.

She is responsible for the the Babycare.

December, 19th 2009

The Tanzania Ministry of Home Affairs has recommended changes in the name and the objectives of MACHICA-Fund.

It names from now:
Mang'ula Sustainable Development Society (= MASUDE Society),
Reg.Nr. S.A. 16559

The objectives are

  • children education for orphaned ones, disadvantaged and disabled, and other local children
  • community development projects and environment issues
  • adult education program

December, 12th 2009

A parcel from Vanesa from Barcelona arrives at Mang'ula!

July, 16th 2009

The new T-Shirts for the MACHICA Fund are finish. The children are very proud of the T-Shirts!

June, 27th 2009

The new School Building is working! One classroom is finished with the floor, the windows and the door. Last thing is painting the blackbord.

Now it's no longer necessary to pay the rent for the classrooms!

April, 20th 2009

A volunteer from the Netherlands is working for the project for three months - Mirjam Mekhaiel from Kerkrade.

You can see her on the picture standing under the roof of the new school building with Bonface Chigwanda (the Head Teacher), Henry Kaposa (Co-ordinator) and Consalva Makwega (Orphanage Matron).

April, 20th 2009

New pictures from the new building with the roof.

February, 28th 2009

The works on the new building roof are coming nearly done now.

The project is now accomodating more than 126 children, from different parts of the village. With less than 27 kids are orphans.

About 18 children who are either 6 or 7 had joined the primary school.

July, 09th 2008

John and a school class with a small monkey near Mang'ula. The children learn much about the wild nature of Udzungwa Mountains National Park.

July, 09th 2008

On the left side you can see some of the kids during the sports time.

At the right side you see children in the computer class.


December, 16th 2007

A few people in Germany launched an association for supporting the project in Mang'ula. It's called MACHICA Förderverein e.V.


October, 13th 2007

The workings at the new schoolbuilding are still going on. It's a beautiful view from the school to the Udzungwa Mountains.

October, 13th 2007

The second visit to Mang'ula for Paul and Susi, the first visit for Atze Schmitz.

We got to know the Project-Mama Consalva Makwebe and the mayor of Mang'ula.

September, 12th 2007

The walls of the new School Building are raising.

On the left picture is John with two orphans, on the right is John Mansur in front of the new School.

March, 12th 2007

The new School Building is in progress: On the left picture there are three teachers standing in front of the building works: from left it is Mr. John, next is Boniface and last is Henry.

On the right picture there are three masons bussy raising up the new school walls: from left it is Mr. Mwenda, next is Joseph and on the right is Mr. Bonge.

August, 27th 2006 The new picture gallery was opened !  

August, 2nd 2006

The german volunteer Nicole Weber arrived in Mangula. She wants to stay there for 3 months and in this time she will give lessons in english. The Education Co-ordinator from the Government of Tanzania and many parents came to welcome the lady from germany.

July 2006

A parcel with useful things for teaching from Germany arrived at Machica Fund. The pictures show the new classroom with the new desks.

May 2006

Children from MACHICA-FUND visiting their friends from the Kisawasawa parish-nursery school.

There is a new bank account for the "Mangula Children Caring Fund" The official bank account in Tanzania is:  
  Account number: 2172300448
National Microfinance Bank

"Mangula Children Caring Fund" is now certified by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the United Republic of Tanzania on September, 30th 2005.

Because the number of children was risen so much, we started to make a new classroom, which is bigger than the one is already rented. But in the new classroom we need to make a floor to this building.

We would like to buy 2 acres plot of land in Mang'ula, as we wish to make our proper kindergarten in near future. The recent building is by renting and soon will become useless, as it is very small space.